Kunst & Design
Künstlerin mit Austellungen auf internationaler Ebene, Kunstpreis Pitturiamo Florenz 2024
Ursula Altenbach, Gütschstrasse 5, 6442 Gersau, Switzerland, altenbachursula@gmail.com
Artistic Career and Activities
- Graduated teacher, Ikebana Sogetsu Tokyo (1st grade Somu), from 1997 – until present
- Vice-Director Sogetsu School Brazil (São Paulo) 2005 – 2009
- Experience in course lecturing at USP (University of São Paulo) Japanese cultural center during the whole year of 2008
- Participation as student at the school of art MUBE (Museu Brasileiro de Escultura) 2011 – 2013 (painting), São Paulo, Brazil
- Board member and chair for art at the IndusLadies Organisation Mumbai, India 2015
Exhibition, courses and more...
1999 Exhibition cultural center Japan-Brazil , São Paulo BR
1999 Installation at the ministry of foreign relations (Palaçio de Itamaraty), Brasilia BR
2001 - 2012 (yearly) personal installation at the metro station Liberdade (Asian District) São Paulo
2002 Participation with a personal installation at Casa Cor week (largest interior decoration fair in Brazil)
2001 - 2005 various installations and exhibitions at the English Cultural Center São Paulo
2004 SESC (public Art center Itaquera SP) Installation with the theme «Recycling»
2004 Exhibition at the Jockey Clube São Paulo
2005 SESC (public Art center Vila Mariana) Demonstration and installation
2005 large installation at the National Theatre Brasilia during the Japanese cultural month
2006 large installation together with Kawana Sensei in the main lobby of a 5-star hotel São Paulo, BR
2007 Exhibition at the EXPO-Center Immigrantes São Paulo during the Japanese Festival
2009 Art exhibition with 28 hanging Installations at the gallery Canvas Hilton SP (curated by Sandra Setti)
2012 IED (Instituto Europeu de Design) – Design creation for Elio Fiorucci
2012 Espaço surreale, “new talents” participation with my paintings and installation at MUBE atelier
2013 «Hana no universe» Exhibition of my collection of paintings at Clube Transatlantico, Espaço Galeria
2015 Magic after all – : exhibition of paintings and installation Gallery Art + Soul, Mumbai (curated)
2015 Good Homes Publications - India Art Festival Mumbai, participation with my wood sculpture “Agni”
2016 Book launch “Never alone, always lonely” by Amit Shankar, – poem about my painting in the book
2016 «Mother and Child» painting chosen as Mother’s Day symbol by the JC Beguine Beauty Saloons India
2017 Participation and showcasing at Art Fair Basel and “Art and Talents” fair in Berne, Switzerland
2018 Curator and participant at “Art in the park” Gersau
2019 Installation at the Japanese “Sakura” Festival in Kloten, Switzerland
2019 Book launch in India “A step here a mile there” by Amit Shankar – poem about my painting “Mother and
Child” in the book
2020 Golden Moon Award Sogetsu Japan
2020 Gastronomy partition walls: participation with 2 own art works and auction at Hotel Schweizerhof Lucerne
2021 Curator at “Art in the park” Gersau 5 months outdoor art exhibition including own installations
2021 Exhibition with own art paintings at Hotel Engel Wädenswil near Zürich during 6 months
2021 Participation with own art works at ArtBox Projects in Zürich (main train station, Venice (Biennale) and 2022 Miami (Biennale)
2022 Exhibition Atelier R6 Steinen, Switzerland (1 month), participation together with 4 other artists
2022 Sogetsu demonstration at Paul Klee Institute Bern Switzerland during the exhibition of Isamo Noguchi
2024 Art Basel Miami Design Thomsen Art Gallery Ikebana Design
2024 5 weeks exhibition at Gallerie Katapult, Basel
2024 Participation with a donated painting at the charity gala of Circus Salto
2024 Curator at “Kunst in Park Gersau” including own installations
2024 Participation in the book “Artisti dItalia e Svizzera” 10th Edition
2024 Winner “abstract art” Premio artista dEuropa» Pitturiamo (1200 participants), Florence, Italy
Ursula Altenbach
Gütschstrasse 5
6442 Gersau
nach Marzelluskirche links ca. 50 Meter hochfahren auf der linken Seite, Eingang 2. Haus
Ursula Altenbach
Ursula Altenbach
Gütschstrasse 5
6442 Gersau
- Kunsthandwerk
- Malerei
- Performer /in
- Skulptur
- Pressemappe vorhanden
- Mehr als 10 öffentliche Auftritte pro Jahr