

Musik - Paul Taro Schmidt
Video - Sheila Runa Lindauer

Dieses Video entstand im Sommer 2020, zwischen Bergen und Bäumen. Eine Woche, zwischen den Alltagen, ohne Internet und Neuigkeiten aus der geschäftigen Welt. So beschäftigten wir uns mit unserem Selbst, was zwischen Aussen und Innen geschieht. Und wie Erinnerungen zwischen Jetzt und Vergangenheit interagieren.

The music is about reminiscing. So a distant memory of the past, and it tries to remember clear what happened. I’m walking through a forest and close my eyes and begin to remember the past, and all these sounds that I explore are not explicit, are these really sounds of the bells in japan in its full form, or did I augment it in many ways to make it sound like a bell and not in its full original form. Because let’s not forget that memories never are in its full form. Same goes with the walking, it only appears on the left side, and the piano is never played as a piano, only an image of it.

Different places have different memories. The movements are influenced by the different environments and their energy. With my imagination of the past of the place i created a new memory put it in movement. I also focused on the different temperatures, winds and lights. The meditative movements symbolize an honouring of the past and are used as a source of energy to do the more explosive movements. small movements and movements inside my body show the inner world, and the bigger and faster movements sent energy far away from where i was in that moment.
i used the turning wheel to show an image of something magical, like shifting in time or space. the mirror for example lies on the ground and shows a reflection of the sky. so there is the ground, but also an image of the sky. i wanted to show that there is more than our eyes see. memory for example. also the mirror is like a door to something else, as time flows continuously like that water in the swiss alps.


Musik - Paul Taro Schmidt
Video - Sheila Runa Lindauer

